God was with me in Copenhagen

The train hadn’t arrived yet. These words echoed in my mind as I paced along the platform. My ears inclined toward every word the announcer broadcast through the PA. I wished I could understand Danish.

I checked the time. 8:35. Oh, twenty-five minutes to my meeting at work.

“The lady who smiles at you will be your guide,” the voice inside me spoke. Why would a lady smile at a stranger like me? As I tried to make sense of it, a lady smiled at me.

She’s the one. I scurried over and asked her about the train. She replied in English that due to the brewing storm many trains had been cancelled. She instructed me to take another train. I followed her and got to the office before the meeting started.

Later that morning in the office, everyone talked about the storm that would strike Copenhagen in the afternoon. We were advised to return home around two. A lady introduced herself to me and offered to drive me home. I accepted her kind gesture.

God provided me with someone at the right time during my visit to Copenhagen in early December this year. God is faithful. He is always faithful.

10 Responses to God was with me in Copenhagen

  1. Yes, God is faithful! “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

  2. LightWriters says:

    What a powerful testimony of God’s ever-present care and direction. Praise the Lord, and thank you for sharing these amazing ‘divine encounters’ you experienced during your travels, Dicky.

  3. jenlhall63 says:

    Glad you’re back. Can’t wait until you guest on our blog on December 24th!

  4. Michelle Welsh says:

    I loved your testimony, Dicky! Thanks for sharing! It is an encouragement to everyone.

  5. Jean Sapinski says:

    What a wonderful testimony to God’s faithfulness. Thank you for sharing it Dicky.